"Do you want anything from the tables at the house?" I asked. "There's still a fair amount of food left." 

"Oh, God, no," Jeanne answered. "I ate enough today to hold me the rest of the weekend. But I would take another beer if you can find one." 

"I'll be back," I growled in my best (actually, pathetic) Schwarzenegger imitation. 

When I returned to the fire, Jeanne was sitting in the middle of the blanket. She motioned me to sit down close beside her. I noticed she had put on a sweatshirt, as I had when I was at my tent. 

We sat and talked. We discussed work, friends, our children and grandchildren, music, sports, funny childhood experiences – all the things people share with each other when they want to get better acquainted. I enjoyed myself immensely, and Jeanne seemed to be having a good time, too. At one point, I touched her hand, and she clasped it, gently. We were holding hands! Maybe it's not much, but it was a huge thrill to me. I started to wonder where this was going. I knew where I wanted it to go, but I didn't allow myself to dwell on it. 

It was getting late. Gail, who had been playing games with some of the others, finally came over to the fire. 
"Jeanne," Gail said, "we're thinking about going home soon. I hate to be a party-pooper, but we really need to get home to let the dogs out." 

Moment of truth time. I had learned that Jeanne only lived about ten miles from me. "Jeanne, if you want to stay awhile, I can run you home. I'm enjoying talking with you." 

"Do you mind, Gail?" Jeanne asked. 

"Of course I don't mind, Sweetie," Gail said. "I'll see you at work on Tuesday. If you want to call me tomorrow or Monday, we'll probably be home. John, it was good to meet you." 

I got up to shake her hand. "I enjoyed meeting you and Mark, too, Gail. Say goodbye to him for me." 

"We'll have to have you over sometime," Gail said, giving me a smile and a rather intense look. "Take good care of Jeanne tonight for me." 

"She'll be fine with me. Goodnight, Gail," I said. 

When I sat back down, Jeanne took my hand again. I was grateful that she had decided to stay. 

We sat and talked for a while longer. Then Jeanne said, "It's getting kind of chilly. The fire is warm enough to toast my toes, but my back and shoulders are getting cold." 

"I can take you home, if you like, or I can get another blanket from my tent for you," I said. 

"Ooh, a blanket sounds nice," Jeanne said. 

I went to my tent and grabbed a blanket. When I got back to Jeanne, I wrapped the blanket around her back and shoulders, and then sat down again next to her. 

"Why do you have a tent here, John?" Jeanne asked. 

"When Tyler invited me, he told me a lot of people would camp out here, and said it would be OK if I set up a tent. That's my four-man tent over there in the corner of the yard," I said, pointing. 

"A four-man tent?" Jeanne asked. "Are your girls sleeping there with you?" 

"That was the original plan, but they all decided to sleep in other people's tents, so I guess I'll be alone there tonight." 

"Oh," was all she said. 

The night air was getting cooler, and the dampness of the spring night was only partially alleviated by the heat of the fire. I shivered slightly, and Jeanne said, "I'm being a blanket hog. Here, share this with me." 

She opened the blanket and we wrapped it around ourselves. I could feel the warmth of her body through our clothes. It was a comfortable sensation, and it inspired heat in me that was only partially explained by the insulation our shared blanket provided. 

I looked across the fire and spotted my three young friends. They were sitting together, talking and laughing quietly between themselves. Tina saw me looking at her first. When our eyes met, she puckered her lips and kissed the air, then pointed toward Jeanne. Carey pantomimed fondling Sami's breasts, and Sami held her hand in front of her mouth, parted her index and middle fingers, and flicked her tongue between them, mimicking the motion of someone licking between a woman's thighs. The three of them, almost in unison, then opened their mouths, pursed their lips into an "O" shape, and imitated the motion of a woman stroking and sucking a cock. I had to look away, but I could hear them giggling. 

If Jeanne noticed, she gave no indication. She did, however, shift her position so her body was pushed more tightly against me. I could clearly feel her one large breast pressing firmly against my side. We had fallen silent. Neither of us had spoken for a few minutes. The time seemed right. 

I wasn't sure whether I dared to do what I wanted very badly to do. I was relieved when Jeanne made the first move. She touched my cheek with just the tip of her index finger, causing me to turn toward her. Our faces were only inches apart. 

"John?" she said, in a voice barely above a whisper. 

"Jeanne?" I said softly, "may I kiss you?" 

She let out a soft sigh. "I wish you would." 

The first time our lips touched, I felt light-headed. My heart was pounding. My palms were sweating. And my cock was very, very hard. 

That first kiss was soft, tentative, fairly brief, but with a promise of so much more. I pulled back reluctantly, and just stared into her eyes. I have no idea how long we stayed like that, silently peering into each other. But then, together, we moved to begin a much longer, much more tender and meaningful kiss. Without conscious thought, I moved one hand to gently stroke her hair and her face, while the other went to her back, urging her to press herself more tightly against me. 

Finally, we pulled apart. "I don't really want to take you home right now, Jeanne. I like being here with you too much." 

"I don't want to go, John. It feels too right to be here with you. It's been a such long time since I shared a kiss like that. It’s been a such long time since I’ve been in a man’s arms." 

I thought for a second. "I don't know if I've ever enjoyed a kiss that much. I want to spend more time with you, Jeanne. A lot more time. And, I love the feel of you. You feel so good to me." 

Jeanne kissed me again, more quickly this time, but more firmly. Just before she broke away from me, her lips opened slightly, and she passed just the tip of her tongue across my lower lip. "John?" she began. 

"What, baby?" I said, surprising myself with my breathlessness. 

"Could we go in your tent for awhile? I want to kiss you some more." 

Finally, I asked the question I had been bursting to ask. "Jeanne, would you stay with me tonight? I want to kiss you, too. I want to hold you. I want to cuddle you. I want...." 

She stopped me with her finger against my lips. "John, I'm scared. I want those things too. I think I may want more. It's been a long time since I've felt this way. But with you, I feel safe." 

"I only have one sleeping bag, but I have lots of blankets," I said. 

"I'm sure we'll find a way to get comfortable," Jeanne said, smiling. 

"OK, baby," I replied. 

We got up off the ground, scooping up the blankets, and made our way to my tent. We couldn’t stand upright, so we crawled in on our hands and knees. After we got inside, I zipped the flap closed. We could see the flames from the bonfire flickering on the tent walls. 

"Well…," I said, resting on my knees, not quite sure where to take the conversation. 

Jeanne started, "Perhaps we ought to spread out the sleeping bag. You seem to have more than enough blankets to keep us warm." 

We did not touch, but went to work making up a makeshift bed in the middle of the tent. With me on one side and Jeanne on the other, we just looked at each other. 

I spoke first. "I know this is going to sound like a line, but I was a Boy Scout. If we crawl into bed with our damp clothes on, we’re going to stay cold all night. I think that our outer clothes really ought to come off." 

Jeanne laughed softly, "It does sound like a line, but I do trust you, John, if you’ll just turn your head. 

"Only if you turn yours, too." 

We stripped out of our sweatshirts and jeans. Jeanne pulled her bra out from under her shirt, and dropped it in the corner with her clothes. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her. 

"Let me know when you’re ready," I said. 


We turned around at the same time – each cocooned in our own blanket. I had rolled up another blanket into a pillow we could share. We lay down, facing each other, and I covered us both with another blanket. 

"Hi – this is nice," Jeanne said softly. 

"Yeah, it is. I really had a good time today." 

"John, can I ask you a question?" 

"Sure, what do you want to know?" 

"Why did your girls choose to sleep elsewhere tonight?" 

I thought to myself, "How the hell do I answer this one?" Aloud, I said, "Do you want the truth?" 

"Of course. I wouldn’t expect anything less." 

I sighed, "They wanted me to have a chance to be alone with you." 

"Oh. Can I ask you another question?" 


"What did they think was going to happen?" 

I really didn’t know what to say at that point. 

Jeanne simply leaned over and tenderly kissed my lips and said, "Maybe this?" 

"Yeah, and maybe this…." 

I rose up a little and reached for her. Without hesitation, Jeanne came into my arms. This time when our lips met, the kiss was still gentle, but it was longer and deeper. 

Her arms went around my neck and she held me close as we kissed again. When our lips separated, we stayed in each other’s arms. 

I finally broke the silence. "Jeanne? I meant what I said. I like you. I like you here with me." 

"John, there’s nowhere else I would rather be, and I trust you, but…well… it’s just…." 

"Shhh, baby, just let me hold you. Let me kiss you. That’s all I want tonight. I just want to be with you." 

"Oh God," she said. "I’m afraid." 

"Of me? I told you, Jeanne, I just want to hold you and kiss you." 

"I’m not afraid of you, John. I’m afraid of me. What if I don’t want you to stop?" 

"I promise you, I’ll be strong for the both of us. I will never do more than I know you are ready for," I said. I had no idea how much that statement would be put to the test. 

We continued to hold each other, kissing, whispering. Jeanne seemed to be feeling confined by the blanket she had wrapped around her. 

"I’m sorry, but I really have to get out of this blanket." 

She stood up and started to unwrap herself. The first thing I noticed was how beautifully shaped her legs were. The second thing I noticed was how short her t-shirt was, exposing her panty-covered ass. When Jeanne got back down on our "bed", I noticed one last thing – Jeanne was not wearing a bra. The deep V of her shirt allowed ample view of her large breasts. I stared and swallowed – hard. 

"There, I feel better, "Jeanne said arranging the blanket to just lie on top of her. Lying on her side, she rose up on one arm and asked me, "Are you comfortable enough?" 

"Well, it is a little confining, wrapped up like this." Hurriedly, I got out of the blanket and lay back down. As I went to cover myself, Jeanne raised her blanket, moved closer, and covered me with it. I just looked at her as she straightened the blanket around both of us. 

When she settled down on her side, she looked at me and asked quietly, "Now, where were we?" 

As I pulled her into my arms, I felt her full breasts push against my chest. One silky, smooth leg worked its way between mine, and she raised her head to kiss me. I had to move my hips away from her, in an effort to hide my growing desire. My mouth opened slightly and Jeanne pushed her tongue in, to play with mine. 
My arms pulled her closer. Our mouths were hungry for each other. I could feel her nipples hardening against my chest. She could feel my undeniable attraction to her, and the wanting I felt. 

"Oh God, Jeanne, I don’t know how much more I can take." 

"John, it’s okay. Honest, I want this." 

"No, no, not this way. Not now." 

Jeanne looked confused as I pulled away from her. 

"Look, I like you – a lot. And as much as I would like nothing better than to make love to you all night, I am not going to let our first time together be in a tent, on the hard ground." 


"Jeanne, please understand. I want our first time to be so very special. Can we wait?" 

"Oh John, you are the dearest, sweetest man," she said, leaning in to kiss me again. Whether she knew it or not, Jeanne pushed her body against me a little more. 

"You have no idea how hard you are making this, do you?" I asked in a hoarse whisper. 

She looked at me with her wide eyes in a way that told me she really didn’t know. I laughed out loud, and pulled her close to hold her. 

"John? Does this mean you’re asking me out on at date?" she giggled. 

"Oh yeah," I said kissing her once more. "Oh yeah." 

We kissed again. If possible, the kiss was even more expressive of our mutual need than our earlier kisses had been. The feel of Jeanne's warm body against me was pushing my arousal higher. I knew that she could feel my erection against her. The fact that she was pushing herself against it let me know how she was feeling. 

"John?" Jeanne breathed. "I'm starting to get an idea of how 'hard' I'm making this." She giggled softly. 

"Oh my God, Jeanne. It's been a very long time since I've held a woman this way, since I've felt this way." 

She raised the leg that was between mine until it pressed noticeably against my very hard penis. "Does that feel good?" 

I felt myself shudder in a way I hadn't done since I was a teenager. "Oh, yes, baby, it really does." I moved one hand from her back and slowly slid it to her side, allowing the heel of my hand to rest against the side of her breast. 

She gasped. "Touch me, John. Touch my nipple. Please. I want it. I want you to feel how hard my nipple is." 
Tentatively, I did as I been asked. With just the tips of my fingers, I traced the shape of her hard nipple through her thin t-shirt. I could feel it tighten in response. The tiny bumps of her areola felt like fragments of diamond. Jeanne's soft moan sounded like a choir of angels murmuring a hymn of love in my ear. 

Still using only my fingertips, I began to explore the expanse of Jeanne's large soft breast. As she rolled slightly toward her back to expose both her breasts to my touch, I moved with her. She had to remove her leg from the space between mine, but I then filled the void between her thighs with my own leg. I thought I could feel her heat. 

Never breaking our passionate kisses, I touched her breast more firmly. Jeanne rewarded me with another long, appreciative moan. I propped myself on one arm so I could better touch the entire expanse of her full chest with my free hand. 



"Remember how I said I wanted to wait?" 

"Uh huh." 

"I was wrong." 



John sat up and pulled me to him. With trembling fingers, he grasped the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. In the dim light from the bonfire, he could see the curve of my ample bosom. "You're beautiful," he said. 

I quickly removed John's shirt and sat back to study his upper body. I saw the hair on his chest and belly, still as dark as it had been when he was a young man. He was not the large bear of a man I normally found attractive, but I didn't care. Right now, he looked very good to me. 

Together, we began to explore each other's naked upper torsos. John quickly learned that I enjoyed having the undersides of my breasts stroked. I discovered that John's nipples were as sensitive as my own. We continued kissing, enjoying the taste and feel of each other's tongues.

Soon, we lay back down. With me all but naked, John was now able to begin to explore my body the way he wanted, using all five of his senses. With his fingers, he felt the softness and smoothness of my flesh. With his eyes, he saw the bounty of my breasts and softly rounded belly. With his ears, he heard my breathing, my moaning, and my occasional soft gasp. With his tongue, he tasted my skin, a combination of sweet lotion, clean sweat, and woman-flavor. With his nose, he breathed my arousal. John looked like he was in heaven.

I was enjoying my own discoveries. John's beard stubble felt good as I caressed his face. His man-scent was an aphrodisiac. The soft growl I heard in his chest as I played with his nipples thrilled me. And the twitching hardness I could see straining within his shorts gave me promise of a very nice night.


I knew my resolve was far in the past. I wanted this woman. My physical attraction to her was undeniable, but there was so much more. I felt her filling a void in my life. For the first time in many years, I knew I would not be alone tonight. I tried, but somehow, could not quite remember. Was this what it felt like to be falling in love? I wanted to ask her, but the question died on my lips when I first felt her hand brush purposefully against my cock. 

"My God, Jeanne." 


"Be careful." 

"What's wrong?" 

"I don't know how much of that I can take. It's been awhile since I've been with a woman." 

"It's been too long since I've been with a man. I'd almost forgotten how good a man could feel." 

"Let me refresh your memory," I said, so softly Jeanne had to concentrate to hear me. I then placed my hand, softly, between her legs. I know I smiled in satisfaction when I found that Jeanne's panties were soaked through. 

Before I could ask, Jeanne raised her hips to make it easy for me to remove the dripping bit of cotton. The sweet, tangy perfume of her flooded the air inside our tent. 

Lowering my face to her, I struggled not to drool. She smelled so good. She looked so beautiful. With a single lick, I found that she tasted divine. 

We had all night, and I decided I could spend that amount of time making sure my new lover was well pleased. I set myself to the delightful task of worshiping her womanhood with my mouth. 

Stroking my fingers on the tops and insides of her thighs, I silently directed her to open herself to me. When she had parted her legs to my liking, I teased the crease between her thigh and her lip with my tongue, first on one side, then on the other. When I felt her thigh muscles begin to tremble, I moved my tongue to the center, tracing slowly from the bottom of her slit to the top, over and over, first with the lightest pressure I could manage, but then ever more firmly. 

Her lips parted for me. Her whimpers and moans were nearly drowned out by the soft growl of pleasure coming from deep in my chest. I knew she liked this. The ever-increasing flow of her nectar onto my tongue made that clear. 

I had purposefully been avoiding her clit. I wanted to save it. I knew, if I did things right, Jeanne would cum for me when I finally touched it. 

Jeanne wasn't making it easy for me. Her hips were in constant motion, up, down, right, left, sometimes in a straight line, sometimes in a circle. The time was coming closer. I began to crave the sound of her orgasm. But still, I waited. I wanted it to be perfect for her. I wanted her to always remember the first time I made her cum. 

We became impatient. Jeanne was struggling more and more to stay still enough for me to continue to feast on her, and I began to want her release as much as she did. I paused for a moment, raised my head, and looked at her. A few strands of hair were matted to her forehead. Her nipples were straining toward the sky. Her breathing was ragged. I could actually see her pulse in her throat. It was time. 

"Please, John, please!" 

I smiled at her, and lowered my face. With just the tip of my tongue, I touched her shining pearl. For a moment, there was no sound. Then, Jeanne gulped in a breath so rapidly that it almost sounded like a scream. She began to convulse. Her body writhed, every muscle vibrating. It seemed like she held her breath forever. 

I was pleased. I love nothing more than to make my lover cum. I let her recover for only a moment, allowing her to catch a few breaths, but long before she had regained her composure, I was at her again. This time, I inserted my middle finger into her depths while licking vigorously at her lips and her clit. She was well on her way to another orgasm when I added my index finger. I was massaging her walls, probing her wetness, stroking her relentlessly. As soon as I thought she was comfortable with two fingers, I added a third.

Jeanne knew she was lost. It seemed she was almost afraid to cum that hard again, and yet her fevered mind must have told her to be afraid not to. I made the decision for her when I curled my fingers and found her G-spot. Another reward for me – the music of orgasm from a beautiful woman. 

I let her rest this time. I knew she had had enough for now. As her screams died away, I heard another voice. It was Sami in the next tent. I could clearly hear her say, "Holy shit, Johnny! Holy shit!" 

"That's going to be awkward in the morning," I thought to myself. But then I turned my attention back to my lover. 

She was sobbing and mumbling, "No more. No more. I can't take any more." 

I moved up to hold Jeanne in my arms. "What's wrong, baby? Are you OK?" 

Panting for breath, she began to laugh softly. It was a lovely sound. "Wrong? Nothing is wrong. My God, John, nothing is wrong. I just knew I was going to pass out if you did that any more. Wrong? Hell, no! Right! As right as anything has ever been! Where the hell did you learn to do that? How the hell did you do that?" 
I kissed her tenderly. "I don't know. I guess you inspired me. I just wanted you to have a good time."


I looked at him. My thoughts were clearing enough for me to ask myself a question. "Am I going to fall in love with this man?" For a panicked moment, I wondered if I had spoken aloud, but then realized I hadn't. I kissed him back. I wanted to keep kissing him for a very long time. But then, I had a better idea. 

"John, I hope you're ready," I said. 

"For what?" 

"For this!" I pushed John rather forcefully onto his back and sat up. I pulled his shorts off him and wrapped my hand around his manhood. "I want you to have a good time, too." 

I crawled up John's body and kissed his lips, pushing my tongue into his mouth to explore. I stayed on my hands and knees and kissed his whole face. I loved that I could taste myself on him. I kissed his eyes, nose, cheeks and mouth again. 

I began to trail kisses down his chin, along his strong jaw line and then down his throat. I could feel the vibration on my lips when he murmured, "Mmmm." 

I continued my kisses, along his collar bone, to his shoulder and then down his arm. When I reached his hands, I brought his fingers to my mouth and sucked on them. Smiling, I returned to his chest, and kissed all down the other side, offering equal attention to that side of his body. 

I knelt between his legs and began toying with his nipples. I hadn't been with a man who reacted so intensely when I sucked on them. Goosebumps rose on his skin, as I left them to kiss lower. 

My mouth followed the line of dark hair that went down his abdomen, as if giving me a trail to follow. I stopped briefly to lick his navel, pushing my tongue inside, but I didn't want to linger. I had other things to do. 

Down, down, I kept kissing until I reached his wiry hair. I could smell his musk, and it made my nipples go hard once more. I moved my body back, so that I was lying on my belly, between his legs. I now had full access to his manhood. 

I blew my hot breath onto his balls, as I began to lightly run one finger up and down his cock. It jumped in anticipation, and John inhaled sharply. I kept my touch light and feathery, still breathing my hot breath on his balls. 

His hands came to my hair, and started running through it. Carefully, tenderly, I took his shaft in my hand and lowered my mouth. I took him in to the back of my throat, thoroughly wetting him. I bobbed up and down a couple of times, tasting the pre-cum that he was oozing. He came out of my mouth with a soft pop, as I began to lick his shaft up and down. 

I wanted to know every inch of him. My tongue traced the delicate patterns of veins and bumps. I ran my tongue all around the head, paying special attention to the V on the underside, and then licking back to the tip, pressing my tongue into his slit, to capture as much of his essence as I could. 

John's hands lightly grabbed my hair. I could see his stomach muscles contract and his body seemed to tense. A low growl came from his belly, and out his mouth, as I replaced my mouth with my hand. I gave his penis long, slow, firm, deliberate strokes, as I lowered my mouth to his balls. 

"Oh God, Jeanne. Not there." 

His words said no, but his body said yes. I licked his balls, making them hot with my mouth, before sucking them in and rolling them around with my tongue. I could feel the glands inside the thin sack. Sucking his balls, stroking his cock, I needed to push him to the limit. 

After a few minutes, and feeling his legs go stiff, I came away from his balls, and dropped my mouth onto John's cock. 

"Jesus, baby, I'm so close" he muttered. 

That was what I needed to hear. I fondled his balls with my hand and began to suck his cock with vigor. I needed him to feed me. I needed to take him into my belly. 

John's grip on my hair tightened. I could feel him raise his hips, trying to push his cock deeper into my mouth. I heard a deep guttural sound, just before he exploded in my mouth, shooting down into my belly. I did my best to keep up with his continual spurts, swallowing as fast as I could. I kept my lips clamped around his shaft, until I felt his balls had drained. 

When John's hands finally relaxed their hold, I attentively cleaned his cock and balls, and then moved to his side. John rolled to look at my face. I smiled and kissed him softly. 

"I hope that was to your liking, John," I said softly, kissing him once more. 

"Oh, God, Jeanne," John said, trying to regain the rhythm of his breathing. "I can't believe how good you made me feel!" 

"Just returning a favor," I said, laying my head on his shoulder. We held each other close, listening to the murmur of a few hushed voices at the waning camp fire, enjoying the closeness we felt, cuddled together in our tent. We caressed each other's bodies, holding each other under the blankets. The last thing either of us remembered was a long series of lovely, soft kisses.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: 




